Security of Selling Your Phone for Refurbishment: Is Your Information Accessible and How to Delete It

As far as security in selling your phone for refurbishment goes there is good news. If you take some necessary steps, you can have confidence that your private information will not be accessible to others. In other words, you can definitely delete your private information. Regardless of the mobile phone that you have, you need to remove the SIM card. Call logs and contacts may be retained on the SIM card. Next, remove your micro SD card. If you absolutely have to keep the SD card with the mobile device, you will want to erase and reformat the card. You can usually do the wipe via the Settings app. Once you have taken care of the SIM card and the micro SD card, you will still need to wipe the mobile device’s internal storage. Android and iOS systems have slightly different ways to delete any personal information that is left. iOS systems that are older have a built-in option that securely erases your phone. Just go to Settings ...